Orientation course (summer)

Dear first semester students for the summer semester 2023,

Congratulations, you belong to the fifth generation of summer freshmen at our physics institute! If you have any questions about your studies, you are welcome to send an email to orientierungskurs@physik.hu-berlin.de.

In order to make it easier for you to start studying physics and to give you the opportunity to make initial contacts with your future fellow students, we are again offering an introductory course this year. The course will take place from April 03 to 14, 2023 and is primarily an introduction to university mathematics. A typical day in the orientation course consists of one or two lectures and exercises. Most days we will be finished no later than 5pm. In addition, evening events such as barbecues and individual lectures on the general course and organization of the course are planned. The orientation course is not just a repetition of school mathematics, many of the contents lead far beyond school mathematics in preparation for your first lectures. If you still have deficits in school mathematics, we recommend that you take part in the online mathematics bridge course OMB+.

It starts on April 3rd at 9 a.m. in the foyer of the physics department (Newtonstr. 15, 12489 Berlin-Adlershof). To make planning easier for us, it would be great if you let us know that you would like to participate by sending an informal email to orientierungskurs@physik.hu-berlin.de. You are also welcome to stop by only on selected days.

All further information can be found in the corresponding Moodle course of the events, which you can find here. Log in there with the access data of your HU account (these are the same login data as for your @student.hu-berlin.de email. Then use the course search to search for first-year students in physics SoSe 2023. You do not need a password, to join the course.

If you need help using Moodle or Zoom, please send us an email!

See you soon and stay healthy!