
Welcome to the homepage of the student council for physics at the Humboldt University in Berlin!

We are a student initiative with the aim of representing the interests of all physics students. If you have any questions about studying or other problems, drop by or send us an email.

Find us on Instagram as well as on our Telegram channel.


We will inform you about news via our e-mail newsletter. You can find it here too.

Upcoming Dates

Time and Date Description
Thu, 17. Apr 2025, 15:00 Meeting of the physics student council

At the meeting of the physics student council, there are talking about current topics, every student at the department of physics is invited.

General Assembly

We would like to thank all participants again for your constructive cooperation. We would also like to make all resolutions and the minutes available here.


Creating the physics accounts

The easiest way is to download the form from this website https://www.physik.hu-berlin.de/de/irz/account, fill it out and send it as a scan to uco@physik.hu-berlin.de from the HU account. This is sufficiently verified and the status of the account creation can be sent there. If you're now thinking, eh, physics account, then read this https://www.physik.hu-berlin.de/de/irz , it tells you a bit about what you can do with it (especially software licenses, and a fancy new email address with @physik.hu-berlin.de)